How do I install close board fencing with DuraPost?

We often get asked the question 'Is DuraPost just a panel product?'
The answer is no! DuraPost is incredibly versatile and can be used in all fencing methods.
Find out how to install close board fencing with DuraPost in the video below!
We often get asked is durapost just a panel product? the answer is no. durapost is incredibly versatile, here we are going to show you how we close boarding using galvanised posts
Here we show you the traditional method of close board which is is one long line.
Typically you would fence with the smooth side facing you, however with close boarding we have the post turned round so you have the screw holes at the back.
We have a 50mm thick rail and we have screwed this to the back of the post, pinching it nice and tight.
To fit the 6x1 inch gravel board we have cut of a 6 inch block off the end of the rail, screwed it in so we can face fit the gravel board to the back of the post.
The idea behind that is that when we come to clad it with our feather edge, it gives us the ability to run straight over the face of the post. we can run straight over the post, hide the post altogether, and we have got a nice finish down at the bottom for the feather edge to fit.